Immerse yourself in the elegance of a fairy tale with these enchanting clear crystal nails, worthy of a modern-day Cinderella.

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a princess? If your answer is “yes”, this manicure style is perfect for you. These nails are just as pretty, if not prettier, than Cinderella’s glass slippers. To recreate them, simply combine a clear base and a glossy finish. You can add different types of glitter and nail charms, such as gemstones, to create even more glamorous looks. The more glitter you add, the more magical and beautiful the results will be.





























You can rock this manicure trend in many ways, but these are some of the best ideas the internet has to offer. This list is the ultimate clear glass nail inspiration that every girl should save on her phone. Do you want something simple but glamorous? We support you. How about something magical and dreamy? We also have that and many other styles.

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