11-Year-Old British Child Breaks World Record by Landing a 96-Pound Fish, Almost Equaling Their Own Weight.
A British schoolboy has broken a world record for biggest-ever carp caught for a junior angler. Callum Pettit, 11, snared a common carp that weighed a whopping 96lbs 10ozs –…
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Descubren en Perú una momia infantil de 1.200 años de antigüedad que data de la civilización Huari
Arqueólogos de Perú, que trabajan en un yacimiento en las afueras de la capital, Lima, han descubierto una momia que se estima tiene entre 800 y 1200 años y, sorprendentemente, fue encontrada atada con una cuerda. Se cree que los restos pertenecen a un …
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Los rituales funerarios contra los vampiros en Irlanda: una práctica real o una superstición?
Ocho siglos de historia han demostrado que se ha encontrado a algunos eruditos con grandes pilas de piedras metidas en la boca, algo que los investigadores creen que hicieron los lugareños para evitar que los muertos regresaran a caminar por la Tierra …
Read moreResolviendo el misterio en el Museo de Nueva York: desentrañando los secretos de los esqueletos fósiles en una posición delicada
Recientemente tuvo lugar en Nueva York (EE.UU.) una exposición a pequeña escala que atrajo especial atención por parte de los pueblos indígenas. Se trata de obras de arte en forma de huesos humanos colocados en estados sensibles “interactivos”. Esta es …
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“The Dominant Sovereign of the Animal Realm”
In the vast animal kingdom, where survival of the fittest reigns supreme, one creature ѕtапdѕ oᴜt as the ultimate Ьoxіпɡ maestro: the kangaroo. With its remarkable physical attributes and ᴜпіqᴜe…
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“Dutch Household Harmony: Playful Horse, Pony, and Dog Unite with Stunning Black Spots”
Meet the horse, dog and pony who are all the best of friends and look identical – despite them not even being the same species. Horse trainer Greetje Arends-Hakvoort has three identical looking pets – one Appaloosa stallion, one Shetland pony and one …
Read more“The Record-Breaking 50kg Goldfish: A Compelling Reminder of the Consequences of Pet Abandonment”
A record-breaking goldfish has been caught in Champagne, France, where an angler dragged a 50-kilogram specimen on shore. This puny specimen was half the weight of record-breaker just caught in France. Image credit: KoiQuestion, via Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0 …
Read moreUnearthing Clues: Discovering Proof of Giants in Legends of Ancient Civilizations
Image source: sound of hope There is a strange common point in the legends of different ancient civilizations of humanity, which is the evidence of the existence of giants. It’s just that modern people do not completely believe in this, because according …
Read moreUnveiling the Mystery at the New York Museum: Decrypting the Enigmatic Secrets of Fossil Skeletons in Delicate Poses
A small-scale exhibition recently took place in New York (USA) and attracted special attention from indigenous peoples. These are works of art in the form of human bones placed in sensitive “interactive” states. This is the idea of French designer Jean …
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“Discovery of 18th-Century Toilet Relic with a 300-Year-Old Erotic Artifact.”
Archaeologists have found a 300-year-old leather sex toy buried in an 18th-century toilet. The eight-inch dildo, with a wooden head, was discovered during an excavation at a former fencing school in Gdansk, Poland. A spokesman for the Gdansk Regional …
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