Josh Allen ‘Head Over Heels’ for Hailee Steinfeld, Say Teammates—Joking She’s Even Upgraded His Wardrobe After Paris Wardrobe Malfunction

Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen ‘is in love’ with girlfriend Hailee Steinfeld, according to Buffalo Bills teammate Dion Dawkins.

Dawkins mentioned not only Allen’s love for his singer girlfriend, but also how Steinfeld has changed his off-field wardrobe. That transformation might have led to Allen splitting his pants in Paris last week.

Allen’s Bills teammates are giving him grief for glitzing up due to his Hollywood girlfriend.

Steinfeld and Allen have been dating for around a year, being seen getting close on a trip to Mexico last year and holding hands at a sushi restaurant in New York.

While neither has publicly commented on their romance, Steinfeld and Allen appear to be getting serious away from the paparazzi.

One of the first photos of Allen and Steinfeld together in public was at a New York sushi bar
Dawkins joked with Taylor Lewan about Allen's new wardrobe and his love for Steinfeld

Steinfeld and Allen have not received the same mainstream media attention as fellow NFL-celebrity couple Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.

Steinfeld has been in attendance at multiple Bills games over the last year including their showdown with the Chargers last December.

‘Josh is in love, Josh is in love!’ Dawkins said on ‘Up & Adams’ with former NFL offensive lineman Taylor Lewan also appearing on the show.

‘If his girl is shopping, and she’s like “Joshee, try these on” Josh is going to say “Alright! I’ll try these on!”‘ Dawkins said.

Allen has been in the NFL since being selected in the first round of the 2018 Draft by Buffalo

‘If I’m not at that wedding bro, I’m burning ship down,’ Dawkins added about nuptials between Steinfeld and Allen. ‘If I’m not standing there, I’m burning the whole thing down.’

Allen is one of the NFL’s best quarterbacks, but has yet to play in a Super Bowl, losing to the Chiefs or Bengals in each of the last four postseasons.

Dawkins recently signed a three-year, $60.5million extension to stay with the Bills and protect Allen’s blind side as a left tackle.

If Swift’s relationship with Kelce helped him play better in 2023, we’ll see if Steinfeld as a similar effect on Allen next season.

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