Shocking twist: Chiefs’ Chris Jones hints at split from Sheawna Weathersby and appears with mystery woman ‘Giselle’

Chris Jones is in hot water.

Kansas City Chiefs defensive tackle, Chris Jones, has split with his longtime girlfriend Sheawna Weathersby after she accused him of cheating.

Weathersby took to her Instagram Story on Thursday (March 13) to tell fans that she is ending her nine-year relationship with the NFL player.

“I’m choosing to focus on the positive as I close this chapter on a 9-year relationship,” she wrote. “Unfortunately, Chris’ infidelity with the woman he’s recently been pictured with, led to my decision to end our relationship months ago.”

Weathersby went on to say she is very familiar with the unnamed woman and that on multiple occasions she has harassed her and her friends.

Chiefs Star Chris Jones Breaks Up With Girlfriend Amid Concerning Allegations - The Spun

“This is especially troubling, given her history of harassment, stalking, and disrespect towards me, including constantly calling and messaging me and my close friends from tex-free apps and fake Instagram pages,” she continued. “This behavior has forced me to change my number and has forced Chris to ask her multiple times to please leave me alone and respect our coparenting dynamic.”

She concluded her lengthy post adding that she is moving forward and is positive about her next steps.

“I’m proud to say I chose to prioritize my own wellbeing and healing journey,” she added. “As I embark on this new chapter, I’m excited for the opportunities and growth that await me. I trust that God will transform the pain into something beautiful.”

Chiefs' Chris Jones Seemingly Confirms Split from Sheawna Weatherby with New Woman

Chris Jones Seemingly Reacts To Sheawna Weathersby Split

According to several outlets, Jones posted a photo of himself and a woman on Instagram earlier this week. In the photo, Jones is sitting next to the woman as she licks his face. The Chiefs star has since deactivated his account.

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Back in January he posted a graphic on X declaring he was single.

On Wednesday he followed up with cryptic post seemingly pertaining to his former relationship.

Chiefs' Chris Jones in ugly split from longtime girlfriend

“It’s okay to disappear to find yourself again.” Alongside the message, he wrote the caption, “Sincerely, [snake emoji].”

Jones and Weathersby have two children together: Christopher Jones II whom they call Deuce was born in 2018. Another son, Carson Dakota Jones, followed in 2022.

Weathersby has been seen at Chiefs games supporting Jones and even formed a relationship with Taylor Swift who was there to support Travis Kelce.

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